Thursday 2 May 2024


This site is ment to be a test environment for extensions which are often used in sites developed for non-profesional choirs in the Netherlands. The webmasters of these choirs are almost always computer illiterate singers, trained to use the power of Joomla's functions. They are not familiar with HML and CSS.


The most important extension evaluated is Dropfiles from
This extension is heavily used for archiving digital files like pdf's from scores, nwc, mp3, midi files and documents containing translations of song texts.
Dropfiles documentation can be found on the website of Joomunited.

Ignyte Gallery

As a replacement for Rock Gallery, the extension Ignite Gallery was purchased, tested and is available know. A Dutch manual and several examples are available. Below an example of a full width presentation of an image.

Access members only

The membership portal is intended for the members of your choir. They log, e.g. in with the username member.

A person who is member of the music committee (or is the archivist) log in with username mcmember.

No access codes?
Request them with your name, email address and the URL of your website at